Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Roses Are Blooming!

Look at our roses!

I learned from our neighbor that the previous homeowner took lots of pride in her rose bushes, and I'm not at all surprised because they are lovely. I was a little scared during snow season, because I know nothing about taking care of roses and thought they had all been doomed to a disastrous death.... but low and behold, the roses are all blooming and they are absolutely beautiful!

Come and see!

We have some teeny tiny pinkish orange ones...

And the peachy pinky yellowish ones (my favorite)...

And the yellow roses of Texas!

We have one more bush with gorgeous dark red roses, but the neighborhood kids came and picked them all off yesterday, to their parents horror. We got an apologetic visit from the 10 year old next door and her mother, who found all of our roses in their front yard.

Oh well. I'm sure more will bloom soon.

I've never been into gardening, as I have the blackest of black thumbs, but now that we have our own house, with our own yard, I can't wait to plant more. And I definitely want to hunt down a lavender rose bush because I love them.

And, of course, I'll have to buy myself a book on caring for roses so I don't kill any of them next year!



  1. WOW, you got some really nice ones. My mini roses are going like crazy, even with the cold. I really want to buy some peace roses to plant in my garden.

  2. Oh, I'm jealous of your roses! With such beautiful bushes I think you're pretty safe in keeping them stunning along even with a block thumb!

  3. So pretty! I have no gardening charm at all, I can totally relate to the black thumb!

  4. Thanks!! I can't take any credit for them, as the previous homeowner did all the work, but I sure do love admiring them :)

  5. Gorgeous! Enjoy spring as new flowers begin to bloom everywhere!

  6. Fantastic!!!! I am so looking forward to the moment when also here in Latvia the roses will be in full blumes. Another few months still to wait :)

  7. oooh so pretty! Our roses here won't bloom until sometime in late May, but yours are gorgeous!

  8. Thanks so much! I LOVE roses, and they were in bloom when we bought the house, which is probably one of the swaying factors in buying this house. :D

    Enjoy your roses when they bloom!

  9. LOVE roses =o) I've also got one of the peachy/pink/orange ones and they are so gorgeous!!

    a trick I learned to keep them blooming is that once that rose starts to fade/shrivel/wrinkle, clip them (dead heading them) off right below the next 4-5 leaf area on the stem ... in a few days you'll have another bud blooming and roses again =o)

  10. so pretty. I'm trying to get my husband to plant some in our yard. cute blog. :)

  11. Thank you all! :D

    Tina, they do smell! Very pretty-like!

  12. Anonymous - Thank you for that tip! I'll for sure try that
